Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Zoo That Time Forgot

Here is a movie poster I did for the Inspirational Design class that I took last year.  I did not post it for a very long time because I do not have the rights to three of those little black and white posters in the bottom right corner.  However I decided to post it anyway.  Just be aware that I do not claim to have rights to those pictures.  This was a student project.

For the assignment Bryan Ballinger passed out printouts of old movie posters with a word or two blanked out of the title.  We were then instructed to choose a new word for that blank and then create a movie poster for that title that followed the design and style of the old poster.

So the top poster is my version, The Zoo That Time Forgot.  The bottom picture is the original poster for The Land That Time Forgot. I kept the same general color scheme and layout but changed the creatures and events to better fit with a zoo.  I also tried to mimic the painting style which was a lot different then how i normally work.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beyond Admissions: Sunlight

Here is my latest comic strip for the school newspaper.  This past week the weather has been absolutely wonderful. So much sunlight and just the right breeze.  Yay for the sun!  Done in Manga Studio.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Neck and Neck Sketch

Here is a sketch I did based on a Pictionary topic - "Neck and Neck"
They kind of remind me of reverse dachshunds.  Instead of long bodies, they have long necks.  I'd keep one as a pet.  Assuming they had charming temperaments like dachshunds, rather than yappy little chihuahua temperaments.

Fiddlesticks Sketch

Here is a quick sketch of League of Legends champion, Fiddlesticks.  He is a really annoying champion to play against.  This was done with reference but I changed the pose...not that his poses change that much.  He's a little bit wooden.